Theatre Connect

theatre for everyone

Since 2017, Theatre Connect has provided over 150 LGBTIQIA+ youth and adults with a safe space to experience the power of collective creativity. Based in Gainesville, FL, they are dedicated to fostering connection, unity, and mental well-being within the LGBTQIA+ community of North Central Florida through transformative performing arts experiences.

Their legacy is built on diversity and community, as we continuously strive to offer inclusive and accessible programs for LGBTQIA+ individuals of all generations. In collaboration with licensed mental health professionals, we ensure that Theatre Connect remains a safe and supportive environment, promoting emotional well-being
and centeredness.

For the brand squares, inspired in part by Piet Mondrian and the era of swiss poster design, I wanted to appeal to teens and playfulness while still keeping the brand sophisticated and attract older, possible sponsors.

Merchandise Designs

More content will be added the more I work with this nonprofit.

More content will be added the more I work with this nonprofit. ◦