Definitely not getting promoted at work…

As I was finishing up my last task which was picking up trash outside in the parking lot I headed to throw out all of the trash I picked up and after I did o noticed a door was cracked open. It must have been a mistake because we lock all of the doors before we leave. Instead of just shutting the door I decided to go in, wash my hands and tell Angela (the manager) that there was a door open and also double check if the other doors were locked. All of the lights were off and I mean all of the ones that normally stay on. I then headed to the staff area to tell Angela, and she was nowhere to be found.

It turned out that she had left, put the alarm on and I had tripped it as the door I came in through closed. I didn’t realize this until I noticed the alarm beeping. I didn’t even know we had a silent alarm. I’ve only really seen that in movies or like expensive/rich places. Now looking back on my memories, while I cleaned windows in the past I have noticed a thermostat lookin thing of the wall that occasionally beeps but I didn’t put two and two together. I called my other manager and told him the situation and me almost breaking down in tears he says it’ll be fine, Angela is coming. I thought that she was inside still because her car and another coworker’s car was there but they went over to Splitz (another establishment in the area). Thank goodness they were only 2 minutes away. I explained that one of the doors was open, I went in and washed my hands because the trash was extra gross tonight, and that I went to talk to her but she wasn’t there.

After we she finished resetting the alarm again, she and I walked out of the building, but then one police cruiser rolled up and then another three. They took Angela's statement and told one of them my side of things, and after the 30ish minute ordeal we all went on our way. (around 1:20am)

At the beginning of my shift I asked if I could be trained on the DJ position because I feel like that role fits me best. I currently work in the back at Skate Rental. I would still be doing skate rental as DJ, but also do community events and announcements. But I sure as hell know that they don’t think I’m responsible enough to be in that position, and to be honest I am questioning that right now. I feel so dumb.


Getting Employee of the Month


Being Hate-Crimed