Is transitioning becoming a fad?

I don’t think that every person who comes out as trans is not actually trans. I think a lot of youth coming out as trans nowadays can be genuine but a lot of it is still not. I believe there are too many content creators saying “it’s so easy to come out” on social media platforms like Instagram, Tumblr, and especially Tik Tok that when people have body dysmorphia they get that confused with gender dysphoria, transitioning and then de-transitioning realizing they aren’t actually trans and they were just dealing with middle school body stigma. In reality when creators are saying these things, they don’t say the bad things about it, and they leave out the hard things about it. I know there are trans people who do have gender dysphoria, and are actually trans, but these are my opinions on what I have seen and what my experiences with this are.

  1. Is it a fad?

    I think some kids are getting caught up in a fad of coming out as trans. It started when I was in high school and I am still seeing it now. In high school I saw two students who came out as different pronouns and started socially transitioning. Two years later one of those students de-transitioned, switched their pronouns back to what they were assigned at birth, me and other were just confused, and it felt incredibly weird. For me being the trans senior at that school, people looked to me to tell them why they de-transitioned, and I had no idea.

  2. What do we do to stop this?

    Social transition is the least harmful and most reversible transition. If a minor believes they are trans social transitioning can be done to see how hard being trans is, and if they really feel more euphoric being a different gender. Children should socially transition for at least 2 years or so before getting any prescriptions for irreversible body changing hrt (hormone replacement therapy). I have experience with gender expansive youth and kids who are trans that are just 12 years old who are fully socially transitioned without hormones and look cisgender. Before I was on hormones I fully socially transitioned and appeared as a girl (as I identified as trans mtf back then).

  3. Do you think medical providers are scamming gender expansive youth to get more money?

    Every doctor diagnosing gender dysphoria must be know the difference between gender and body dysmorphia/dysphoria. But in the states, money hungry physicians might just want to diagnose gender dysphoria instead of body dysmorphia because body dysmorphia is just “every body is beautiful, yours is too”, and then gender dysphoria you can prescribe hrt and other medications. I haven’t heard of any of the experiences that the conservative side mentioned about detransitioning people who were guided wrong by money hungry doctors. But I very much believe there are probably a lot who are taking advantage of the situation.

Watch the video that made me want to write this! I was invited on to Jubilee’s Trans Vs De-trans episode after applying basically what I wrote above, and I declined due to the time frame and money situation, but I would have loved to share my thoughts. Instead of being on a 9 Million subscriber channel, I am writing this blog post about it.


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